Sharks & Rays (Elasmobranchs)

Sharks & Rays
Sharks & Rays

Sharks and rays form an incredibly diverse group of fishes. Check out the Links below for some of my highly-recommended shark sites that go into far greater depth than I plan to here. On this profile, I intend to cover the basic biology and ecology of elasmobranchs, with a slant towards those found in UK waters. Please select a topic from the menu on the right to learn more about these fascinating animals, alternatively there are some standalone article on sharks, including the Megamouth shark, British white sharks and one discussing the phenomenon of shark attacks.

Please note: this is legacy content from the old site and was originally created in June 2006. It has been reviewed and some minor clarifications/additions have been made to the text during the transition, but the content is otherwise unchanged from the original publication. It will be updated in due course.

Sharks & Rays (Elasmobranchs) in detail


Collins Field Guide: Sharks of the World - by Leonard Compagno, Marc Dando & Sarah Fowler
Collins -- 2005 -- ISBN: 978-0007136100

Environmental Biology of Fishes - by Malcolm Jobling
Chapman & Hall -- 1996 -- ISBN: 978-0412580802

Fauna Britannica - by Stefan Buczacki
Hamlyn Publishing -- 2002 -- ISBN: 978-0600598671

Field Guide to the Great White Shark - by R. Aidan Martin
ReefQuest Center for Shark Research -- 2001 -- ISBN: 978-0973239508

Nightmares of Nature - by Richard Matthews
HarperCollins -- 1995 -- ISBN: 978-0002200158

Reader’s Digest Explores: Sharks - by Various Authors
Reader's Digest -- 1998 -- ISBN: 978-0762100415

Reef Sharks & Rays of the World - by Scot W. Michael
Sea Challengers -- 1993 -- ISBN: 978-1577855385

Secret Language of the Sea - by Robert F. Burgess
Dodd, Mead & Co. -- 1981 -- ISBN: 978-0396080114

Shark Smart: The diver’s guide to understanding shark behaviour - by Richard Martin
Diving Naturalist Press -- 1995

Sharks & Rays: The Ultimate Guide To Underwater Predators - by Various Authors
HarperCollins -- 1997 -- ISBN: 978-0583344920

Sharks of the World - by Rodney Steel
Blandford Press -- 1992 -- ISBN: 978-0753718247

Sharks of Tropical & Temperate Seas - by Richard H. Johnson
Les-Editions-Du-Pacifique -- 1978 -- ISBN: 978-9971400408

Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of California - by David A. Ebert
University of California Press -- 2003 -- ISBN: 978-0520234840

Sharks, Skates & Rays of the Carolinas - by Frank J. Schwartz
University of North Carolina Press -- 2003 -- ISBN: 978-0002199605

Sharks: History & biology of the lords of the sea - by Angelo Mojetta
SwanHill Press -- 1997 -- ISBN: 978-1853109904

Sharks: Silent hunters of the deep - by Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest -- 1994 -- ISBN: 978-0864380470

Simon King’s Wildguide - by Simon King
BBC Books -- 1994 -- ISBN: 978-0563364962

The Biology of Fishes - by Q. Bone, N.B. Marshall & J.H.S. Blaxter
Stanley Thornes Ltd. -- 1999 -- ISBN: 978-0748744985

The Jaws of Death - by Xavier Maniguet
HarperCollins -- 1992 -- ISBN: 978-0007156900
