Contact Wildlife Online
I have always been a firm believer in the ideal that if you plan to make something available on the Internet (or, indeed, any public media), it should be of some interest or use. I hope that Wildlife Online falls into both those categories and I’m very interested to know what you think of it. Did you find the information provided here interesting or useful? Can you think of any ways I could improve the site? Did you spot any errors (spelling, grammar or errors in the content)? I’d like to know. Similarly, I would love to see your wildlife photos.
General Queries
Comments, queries, corrections, suggestions, questions and ideas for additional content (e.g. a question for new QA) should be sent directly to me by filling in the form. Note: If you need help with a hedgehog you’re caring for, you can e-mail your question(s) to Hedgehog Help. Please be aware that Wildlife Online is not a wildlife rescue centre and, although checked regularly (usually daily), the Hedgehog Help e-mail inbox is not monitored 24 hours a day. If you require emergency advice, please contact the British Hedgehog Preservation Society’s Helpline on 01584 890801.
Technical Queries
Having trouble accessing pages? Found a broken link? Pages not loading correctly? Any technical issues should be directed to the Webmaster Please include full details of the problem, along with details of the internet browser you’re using (i.e. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) and the computer’s operating system. Please note that some questions pertaining to the formatting of the site are covered in the FAQ on the About page. It has been tested (and does work) on Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge and Firefox web browsers and on various mobile devices. Owing to the way in which each of these browsers interprets the code, however, they may produce slightly different results.
Is your garden regularly visited by any of the animals featured on this site? Do you have any photos of these critters that you’d like to share? Do you just have a particularly relevant or interesting photo you’d like to share with me or like an opinion on? If so, please send them to me at Photos This inbox has been setup specifically to receive photos, so I would appreciate it if you would use this address rather than any other. Please rest assured that any photos you send will remain your copyright and I will not publish them on my site or distribute them in any way without your express written permission.