


  • Wild Owl TV
    Despite the name, this website is about more than just owls. It is the site of wildlife educator Ian McGuire, who gives talks to schools and adult interest groups, as well as running walks and other outdoor wildlife-themed events.


  • Sharkman’s World
    Website of shark naturalist Alex Buttigieg. This site includes a variety of shark-related science and conservation news, plus the most comprehensive list of Megamouth sightings on the Internet.

Sharks & Rays

  • British Marine Life Study Society (BMLSS)
    A British-based organisation aimed at stimulating interest in the undersea world and natural history of the seas, and related subjects.
  • Canadian Pacific Shark Research Lab
    Website of the lab responsible for research and stock assessment of the shark species found in the waters off Canada’s east coast.
  • Captain Tom’s New England Sharks
    An educational site about sharks, with a focus on those in the author’s local waters.
  • Dedicated to Sharks
    Website by young shark enthusiast Haaien Bijtje.
  • Elasmodiver
    Fascinating website produced by wildlife photographer Andy Murch. The site contains a comprehensive field guide to sharks and rays along with information about their biology and evolution.
  • Fiona’s Shark Mania
    Links to everything sharky.
  • Henry Mollet’s Elasmobranch Database
    Website of Moss Marine Landing shark scientist Henry Mollet. The site is a veritable hotch-potch of shark information, from shark dental formulas to a list of all the Megamouth specimens found to-date.
  • Ila France Porcher
    Website of artist, author and passionate shark conservationist Ila Porcher.
  • KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of Excellence (KZNSB)
    Organisation devoted to the research and conservation of sharks found in South African waters. The Board aims to protect people from sharks and sharks from people.
  • Pacific Shark Research Center
    Details of the research, projects and programs of the PSRC at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory in California.
  • Pelagic Shark Research Foundation (PSRF)
    Information on the sharks of North America as well as details regarding shark education and conservation.
  • ReefQuest Center for Shark Research
    Certainly the most scientifically accurate and informative chondrichthyan natural history site on the Internet today. The coverage includes almost every aspect of elasmobranch biology, ecology, systematics and evolution.
  • Shark Conservation Society
    A British shark conservation society setup by Shark Trust chairman Richard Peirce. The Shark Conservation Society seeks to further conservation through research expeditions and campaigns based on fact and practical experience, and to promote best practice.
  • Shark Research Committee
    Ralph Collier’s website detailing research, projects and programs of the Shark Research Committee and details on the natural history, distribution and incidence of human attacks by the Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias.
  • Shark Stuff
    A small UK-based charity, established by marine biologist Dr Georgia French and IT architect Christopher Jones, that aims to use education to change peoples’ perception of sharks and science to save sharks.
  • Shark Trust
    A UK-based shark and ray conservation charity that operates globally to highlight the plight of overfishing elasmobranchs.
  • Sharkman’s World
    Website of shark naturalist Alex Buttigieg. This site includes a variety of shark-related science and conservation news, plus the most comprehensive list of Megamouth sightings on the Internet.


  • Canid Specialist Group
    Lots of scientific information about the dogs, wolves and foxes of the world.
  • Distress in Animals: Is it Fear, Pain or Physical Stress?
    An old, but nonetheless interesting, article on the emotions of animals by behaviourists Temple Grandin and Mark Deesing.
  • DIY Garden - Looking after hedgehogs
    A guide discussing simple steps you can take to help hedgehogs in your garden.
  • Dr P’s Dog Training
    Dr Mark Plonsky’s site containing everything you ever wanted to know about dog behaviour…and then some!
  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Fox Guardians
    A philanthropic organization that promotes respect and compassion for foxes through educational and entertaining films.
  • International Wolf Center
    Details of the activities of the IWC in Minnesota along with some information on basic wolf biology and various activities for children.


  • Basically Bats
    A non-profit organization in California dedicated to the education, conservation, research and rehabilitation of bats.
  • Bat Conservation Trust
    Founded in 1990, the BCT is the umbrella group for a growing network of local bat groups. They provide information, advice and training on all bat-related issues in the UK.
  • Bats & British Law
    Website of the UK Government, providing details on the legal protection offered to bats in Britain and the liecense required to handle, rehabilitate and survey them.
  • Bats & Lighting Research Project
    A UK-based project to determine the impact of light pollution from street lighting on bats.
  • BatWorlds
    An extensive site containing a myriad of information about bats, covering their biology, ecology and interactions with people.
  • Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation
    Highly informative bat conservation website by BCI founder and veteran chiropteran ecologist Merlin Tuttle.
  • North American Society for Bat Research
    The North American Society for Bat Research promotes the study and conservation of bats in the USA.


  • Animal Diversity Web – Badgers
    A narrative on the European badger prepared by the University of Michigan as part of their ADW initiative.
  • BadgerLand
    The definitive online resource to badgers in the UK. The site contains information about the European badger, including details of badger ecology, where and how to watch these animals, links to other ‘badgery’ information and activities for kids.
  • Binfield Badger Group
    Website of the Binfield Badger Group, operating in Berkshire.
  • Devon Badger Watch
    Website of the Devon Badger Watch. The site contains some general information about badgers, but is primarily concerned with introducing people to these animals and run various badger watching trips, including some aimed at children.
  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Everything is Permuted
    Initially just an excellent site by fox-watcher Paul Cecil, containing marvellous photos and video clips of foxes visiting the family’s garden, this site has since expanded to cover the variety of wildlife Paul encounters in his garden and on his walks.
  • South Yorkshire Badger Group
    Website of the South Yorks Badger Group, which contains details about the activities of the charity, as well as information about badgers and, in particular, bovine TB.
  • Tales from the Wood – The Diary of a Badger Watching Man
    Fantastic blog documenting experiences of the naturalist author. Unfortunately it hasn’t been updated since 2015, but nonetheless contains a wealth of information about badgers, along with photos, videos and more.
  • The Badger Trust
    Conservation organization (formally National Federation of Badger Groups) whose aim is the protection of badgers through education. The trust represents some 60 local badger groups & composed of several badger experts who offer advice to government.


  • British Deer Parks and Farmers Association
    An umbrella group of deer parks and deer farmers in the UK. The association promotes deer farming and the sale of venison.
  • British Deer Society
    A national charity providing advice on deer biology & management. The site contains brief profiles on all species of deer found within the UK, including a list of some species held in parks. The website really excels in its coverage of deer legislation.
  • Deer Collisions Project
    An initiative setup to highlight the problems of deer-vehicle collisions in Europe and promote research into reducing the number of road traffic accidents involving these animals.
  • Deer Initiative
    A broad partnership of statutory, voluntary and private interests dedicated to “ensuring the delivery of a sustainable, well-managed wild deer population in England and Wales”.
  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Isle of Rum Red Deer Project
    Described as ‘the longest-running study of a wild mammal in Britain’ the RDP was established in 1953 and is now run by a team of biologists at Cambridge & Edinburgh Unis. Most of what we know of Red deer natural history is thanks to this project.
  • Montana State University – Deer Need Tough Love This Winter
    A well-written article from 2003 about how feeding deer early in the winter can result in a dependence on people later in the season. (Opens a PDF.)


  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.

Red deer

  • Isle of Rum Red Deer Project
    Described as ‘the longest-running study of a wild mammal in Britain’ the RDP was established in 1953 and is now run by a team of biologists at Cambridge & Edinburgh Unis. Most of what we know of Red deer natural history is thanks to this project.

Roe deer

  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.


  • Adele Brand - A Walk with Wildlife
    Blog by naturalist and mammalogist Adele Brand. Adele has a passion for carnivore conservation and a particular interest in the canids of Europe and North America.
  • Animal Diversity Web – Red Fox
    A narrative on the Red fox prepared by the University of Michigan as part of their ADW initiative.
  • Black Foxes UK
    Run by Hayley de Ronde, this website collates records of unusually-coloured foxes from the UK. More than this, however, the site also contains some excellent information on fox natural history, genetics and domestication.
  • Canid Specialist Group
    Lots of scientific information about the dogs, wolves and foxes of the world.
  • Derbyshire Fox Rescue
    A rescue charity offering advice and treatments for mange in foxes.
  • Dr P’s Dog Training
    Dr Mark Plonsky’s site containing everything you ever wanted to know about dog behaviour…and then some!
  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Everything is Permuted
    Initially just an excellent site by fox-watcher Paul Cecil, containing marvellous photos and video clips of foxes visiting the family’s garden, this site has since expanded to cover the variety of wildlife Paul encounters in his garden and on his walks.
  • Fox Guardians
    A philanthropic organization that promotes respect and compassion for foxes through educational and entertaining films.
  • Fox Watch Ireland
    A nice site packed full of foxy info. The site contains useful information, such as how to properly dispose of your waste so that it won’t injure wildlife, along with some superb photos of the foxes the organisation helps.
  • Kukekova Lab: Fox Domestication
    Informative site covering the Russian Fox Domestication Experiment.
  • Lakeland Hunting Memories
    Superbly informative website constructed by the late Ron Black. The site deals with the history of fox hunting in the Lakeland Fells (Cumbria). It also includes one of, if not the, most detailed accounts of the ‘greyhound’ fox of legend.
  • Living with Urban Foxes
    An advisory booklet produced by Bristol City Council answering some of the commonly asked questions about foxes in urban areas. This links directly to a PDF.
  • National Fox Welfare Society (NFWS)
    The NFWS was the brainchild of fox biologist Martin Hemmington. Based in Northamptonshire, the society gives free advice to members of the public regarding fox care and how to deal with problem foxes.
  • OzFoxes
    Website by artists Margaret and Robert Carspecken. The site contains some well-written and amusing fox-related information, including a bio of foxes and some FAQs. The site is also the home of the web-renowned foxy comic strip Faux Pas.
  • The Fox Project
    Charity devoting its time and energy to the rescue and rehabilitation of Red foxes in the UK. The site also contains authoritative articles on disease and fox deterrence.
  • Vulpes World
    A very interesting fox information database. Admittedly quite old now and something of a challenge to navigate, but some interesting and useful information nonetheless.


  • British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS)
    A charity involved in protecting and educating people about European Hedgehogs. Their site includes FAQ, general information on hedgehog biology and behaviour as well as a gallery and kids zone.
  • C.R.A.S.H.
    An acronym for “Care Rehabilitation and Aid for Sick Hedgehogs”, CRASH provides a hedgehog rehabilitation service from their base in Poole, Dorset. The website contains answers to some hedgehog FAQ’s as well as advice for people feeding or caring for hogs.
  • DIY Garden - Looking after hedgehogs
    A guide discussing simple steps you can take to help hedgehogs in your garden.
  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Happy Hedgehog Rescue
    Hedgehog rescue centre in Yateley, in Hampshire, run by the amazing Jayne Morgan. The site contains blog posts about hedgehogs and contains information and contact numbers for those with questions about caring for hedgehogs.
  • Hedgehog Bottom
    Small hedgehog rescue charity based in Berkshire, run by Gill Lucraft. The site contains a wealth of info about hedgehogs and how to help them, along with a fascinating collection of hedgehog sound bites, accompanied by an authorative interpretation.
  • Hedgehog Research
    Website detailing the research of hedgehog biologist and carer Dr Toni Bunnell. The site contains links to some of her scientific papers on hedgehogs and her more general thoughts on hedgehog care.
  • Hedgehog Street
    A project run by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species to highlight the decline in hedgehogs, promote hedgehog conservation, and encourage people to link their gardens to allow hedgehogs, and other wildlife, to move freely between them.
  • The Hogsprickle
    A hedgehog rescue in Ireland run by registered veterinary nurse and animal behaviourist Beverley Truss.
  • Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital
    Website of the hospital, based in Aylesbury (UK), started by husband-&-wife team Les and Sue Stocker on 9th August 1985. Over the years, the hospital has become a teaching hospital and has pioneered several treatments for sick animals.

Rabbits & hares

Brown hare

  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.

European rabbit

  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.


  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group
    Website of the Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group, a small group established in 1994 to promote the conservation of the Red squirrel in Cumbria.
  • Red Squirrel Survival Trust
    A national body established to ensure the conservation and protection of the red squirrel in the UK.
  • Red Squirrel Trust – Wales
    Formerly known as Friends of the Anglesey Red Squirrels, the RSTW coordinates a partnership of landowners, community groups and volunteers working to improve woodlands, erect nest boxes, provide supplemental feeding and monitor Red squirrel populations.
  • Ron Bury’s Wildlife
    Ron’s blog, which also contains information about a host of Scottish wildlife, including Red squirrels, and showcases some of his superb photography and artwork.
  • Save Our Squirrels
    Red squirrel conservation program by the Wildlife Trusts. This site contains tons of information and plenty of stuff for children.
  • Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels
    A project established in April 2014 to try and stop the decline of Scotland’s core red squirrel populations. Working closely with local communities and over 400 landowners, the project aims to improve conditions for squirrels in Scotland and combat greys.
  • Squirrel Refuge
    A centre in the USA involved with the rescue and rehabilitation of Grey squirrels. This site contains some interesting information (especially on behaviour) as well as comprehensive details of how they care for their subjects.
  • Westmorland Red Squirrels
    Website of Westmorland Red Squirrels, a conservation charity dedicated to the preservation of Red squirrels in the Lake District.
  • Wight Squirrel Project
    A conservation charity founded and run by Helen Butler that studies the red squirrels of the Isle of Wight in Hampshire.


  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.

Mice, Voles & Shrews

  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.

General Wildlife

  • English Country Garden
    Website of Jenny Bailey detailing photographically the range of wildlife that visits her garden. The site also contains some stunning shots of her garden changing with the seasons and a list of garden plants that deer tend not to eat.
  • International Wolf Center
    Details of the activities of the IWC in Minnesota along with some information on basic wolf biology and various activities for children.
  • The Natural Stuff
    Website of naturalist and taxidermist Jonathan McGowan. Jon is, in his own words, an “all round naturalist” who currently sits as the deputy curator of Bournemouth NHS’s museum. It's focused on Jonathan’s Natural History interests and meticulous taxidermy.
  • UK Safari
    A veritable treasure-trove of information on British wildlife. Info included on this site includes species profiles, things to do (including: making decorations, dissecting bird pellets, dolphin watch and building nest boxes for birds) and a nature shop.
  • When to Watch Wildlife
    An excellent site by Peter “McS”, a botanist-by-training, providing a month-by-month guide to wildlife here in the UK. Peter also has a Wildlife Wanderings blog.
  • Wild Owl TV
    Despite the name, this website is about more than just owls. It is the site of wildlife educator Ian McGuire, who gives talks to schools and adult interest groups, as well as running walks and other outdoor wildlife-themed events.
  • Wild South London: It’s a jungle out there
    A nature blog by Will Penrose detailing some of his wanderings around South London.

General Links

  • Coral Reefs Crisis Guide
    A blog article that comprehensively summarizes the main threats facing the world's coral reefs. The host site (SLO active) supports ocean charities by selling swimwear made from a plant-based neoprene alternative.
  • DIY Gardening
    A blog providing helpful high-level articles aimed at novice and enthusiast gardeners, with a slant towards engaging children in gardening and wildlife watching.
  • Jennifer’s Little World
    Jennifer Jain’s entertaining blog about life with kids. Despite not having any children myself, Jenni’s down-to-earth and humorous writing style lends itself very easily to being read.
  • Plastic Is Killing our Oceans – The Issues, Facts, & Possible Solutions
    A well-researched appraisal of the current plastic crisis in our oceans and a look at some proposed solutions. Written by Wendy Lipscombe of

Plants & Fungi

  • Fungi World
    A site providing a photographic guide to the identification of UK fungi.
  • Northern Ireland Fungi Group
    Highly informative website covering many different aspects of fungus natural history. Includes details on participating in recording forays and various survey reports.
  • UK Fungi
    A web forum covering all aspects of fungi in the UK, from identification to recipes.
  • Wild Food UK
    A superb site providing information on how to identify UK fungi and fungi conservation.

Wildlife Groups & Reserves

  • Buckland Lake Reserve
    A family-run project to convert a 60 acre flooded chalk quarry on the north Kent Marshes into a nature reserve.
  • Local Wildlife Trusts
    Links to wildlife trust and reserves across the UK.
  • New Forest Explorer’s Guide
    A very useful and interesting site, developed by Andrew Walmsley, about covering a diversity of topics associated with the New Forest National Park. Topics include wildlife, local sights, village history and more general New Forest history.
  • Wild New Forest
    A conservation and research group running a variety of surveys and projects looking at wildlife in and around the New Forest National Park.

Wildlife & Nature Blogs

  • Ark Wildlife Blog
    A variety of short wildlife- and nature-themed articles from the Ark Wildlife UK store.
  • Everything is Permuted
    Initially just an excellent site by fox-watcher Paul Cecil, containing marvellous photos and video clips of foxes visiting the family’s garden, this site has since expanded to cover the variety of wildlife Paul encounters in his garden and on his walks.
  • Flylady Photography
    A collection of nature photography images and blogs by amateur naturalist Wendy Cooper.
  • Hannah’s Nature Narratives
    Wildlife blog by naturalist Hannah Bamber containing illustrated write-ups of her walks as well as some useful conservation advice, such as how to make your garden hedgehog-friendly.
  • Nature is my Elixr
    A blog described by its writer, photographer and naturalist author as her “musing on the natural world and all living things”. Some excellent photographs and inspiring poetry.
  • Nature Ramblings
    Nature blog by Winchester-based naturalist Esther Farmer. The blog covers her day-to-day wildlife observations, written in an informal and enthusiastic style that will appeal to the amateur and pro alike. Sadly, the site has not been updated for a while.
  • Prairie Ice
    A blog containing the musings of Antartican and Great Plains biologist John Carlson. John posts some of his stunning photos on his blog helping him provide a unique look at the ecology and wildlife of these breath-taking places.
  • The Blue Cabin Blog
    Blog website of former furniture designer Mike Faulkner, who currently writes full-time. The site contains extracts of life on the otherwise uninhabited island of Islandmore in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. Sadly, the blog is no longer updated.
  • The Nature Blog
    Described as “The ramblings of an amateur naturalist” by its author, zoologist graduate Richard Adams, this site provides details of Richard’s walks and observations on the natural wonders that he encounters.
  • UK Wildlife’s Blog
    A fascinating wildlife blog by WAB member and naturalist Neil Philips. It is a blog of Neil’s wildlife trips (largely around Kent, Essex and London) accompanied by some excellent photos by the author.
  • Urban Extension
    Superb wildlife blog by wildlife enthusiast Jane Adams. Sadly, no longer updated, it still contains some excellent photos and video of the various wildlife she encounters in and out of her Dorset garden. Check out the fox grooming video and the badgers.

Wildlife Products & Services

  • Ark Wildlife
    A commercial site selling wildlife food, feeders and houses, but also with a number of informative and accessible blogs about a diverse array of nature topics.
  • DIY Gardening
    A blog providing helpful high-level articles aimed at novice and enthusiast gardeners, with a slant towards engaging children in gardening and wildlife watching.
  • Ecology by Design
    Oxford-based ecological consultancy company offering a range of wildlife and habitat surveys, including for a variety of protected species from bats to dormice.
  • RMG Wildlife
    A great place to satisfy all your wildlife greetings card needs. The site also sells DVDs of wildlife species from butterflies to badgers along with some truly spectacular wildlife prints and local interest books.
  • Wildlife & Countryside Services
    Site by wildlife consultant Martin Bailey, which offers a range of goods and services to businesses, individuals, schools and youth groups as well as to wildlife gardeners.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

  • British Services – Animal Welfare
    A comprehensive resource covering major government departments, associations, non-profit organisations, charities, groups and clubs. This link will take you to a list of UK animal welfare organisations, institutions and associations.
  • Farplace Animal Rescue
    A ‘no kill’ sanctuary in Westgate (County Durham, UK) for unwanted and abused farm animals, domestic pets and injured or orphaned wildlife.
  • Fox Guardians
    A philanthropic organization that promotes respect and compassion for foxes through educational and entertaining films.
  • Help Wildlife
    A site containing details of various wildlife rescue centres in the UK. Enter your post code and it will tell you where your nearest centre is. The site also contains articles on animal care and problem wildlife.
  • Irish Wildlife Matters
    A wildlife first aid resource, heavily orientated towards Irish mammal and bird species, aimed at the public, rehabilitators, vets, and anyone working in the sphere of wildlife or conservation.
  • Vale Wildlife Hospital
    Wildlife rehabilitation centre founded and managed by the tireless Caroline Gould. The site contains information about the charity, videos, a gallery, a blog and forum. It also has useful information on what to do if you find injured wildlife.
  • Wildlife Waystation
    A US-based non-profit sanctuary, located in the San Fernando Valley, dedicated to holding, rehabilitation, medical and problem solving refuge for native, wild, and exotic animals.

Wildlife & Nature Photo Galleries

  • Adrian Faulkner Photography
    A fantastic site by part-time wildlife photographer Adrian Faulkner, containing some superb photos of Red foxes taken at the British Wildlife Centre in London as well as a host of other native and non-native species and landscapes too.
  • Adrian Morrison Photography
    Website of South Wales-based wildlife photographer Adrian Morrison. The site contains a selection of his excellent nature shots and, for the budding photographer, each shot contains a summary of EXIF data.
  • Alexander Eames’ PhotoStream
    British mammal enthusiast Alex’s Flickr page displaying some of his superb wildlife shots. Alex has a special passion for British rodents and has a collection of mice and voles – he is about to embark on a Harvest mouse release program with the BWC.
  • Arthur Grosset’s Birds
    Some stunning wildlife (mainly bird) photographs by naturalist Arthur Grosset. Avalon Birding []: Some excellent photographs of birds, insects and landscapes of the UK by nature loving photo-hobbyist, Alan Browne.
  • Craig Denford Photography
    Blog of landscape and wildlife photographer Craig Denford. The site contains some excellent shots of Red deer rutting at Richmond Park, Great Crested Grebes with offspring in tow and the town of Guildford in all seasons. A very entertaining read.
  • High Speed Flash (HSF) Nature Photography
    Website by East Sussex-based nature photographer Dale Sutton. The site contains some of Dale’s stunning photos of wildlife, including some excellent shots of birds in flight.
  • ImageIn UK
    Website by amateur naturalist and photographer Peter Drury. Some excellent shots on various subjects, including Britain’s birds, mammals and arthropods as well as both urban and rural landscapes.
  • James Warwick Wildlife Photographer
    An exquisite selection of stunning photos of the natural world by Kenyan- and Brighton-based photographer James Warwick. The site contains images of animals from around the world, including some shots of the scientists researching lions in Kenya.
  • Jason Steel’s Wildlife Photography
    A selection of superb photos by wildlife photographer Jason Steel. Jason’s passion is for reptiles and amphibians; this shines through in his work, with some of the best snake photos to be found anywhere.
  • Jeff Harrison Photography
    A collection of breath-takingly stunning photographs of the natural world, from landscapes to birds and animals. Jeff’s work can best be described as original images of UK nature – he has a particular penchant for kingfishers.
  • Jerry Hoare’s Wildlife Sounds and Images
    A superb photo library by naturalist Jerry Hoare. As well as an impressive gallery, this site contains sound and video recordings of various birds he has encountered. For those wishing to try their hand at something similar, Jerry lists his equipment too.
  • Joel Wally Wildlife Photography
    Facebook page of Wales-based photographer Joel Wally. The page contains a nice range of wildlife that he has found on his travel, including some intimate portraits of our lesser seen wild creatures.
  • Jon Atkinson: Wildlife and World Photographer
    A set of galleries containing superb images by Jon Atkinson. The site is ordered by location and contains an inspirational collection of photographs of wildlife, monuments, landscapes and local people.
  • Jost Images
    The site of wildlife photographer Klaus Jost. This site hosts some impressive photographs by Mr. Jost, with some nice photos of some of the shark species (e.g. Lemon, Blacktip, Great White, Bull etc.) that he’s been diving with over the years.
  • Linda Priestley’s Wildlife
    Beautiful photos of the natural world by talented amateur naturalist Linda Priestley’s. Unmissable.
  • Matt Cole Macro Photography
    Website of wildlife photographer, and BBC Wildlife magazine regular, Matt Cole. Matt has taken some stunning shots of the wildlife he has encountered and his macro work is truly amazing.
  • Matthew Hunt Photography
    Superb photos by “part time freelance photographer” Matt Hunt. This link takes you to Mr. Hunt’s Flickr image gallery.
  • Mendip Wildlife
    A stunning collection of, predominantly macro, photos of the wildlife to be found on Somerset’s Mendip Hills by amateur naturalist Heath McDonald.
  • MJ Wild Things Photography Expeditions
    An ocean life website by marine biologist, photographer and cinematographer Dr Michael Jessup. The aim of the site is to increase and enrich the public’s awareness and appreciation of the fine arts through the preservation and protection of our oceans.
  • Nature Embraced Photography
    Wildlife photography by Natasha Weyers. Natasha has spent several years observing and photographing the wildlife near her in Hampshire and has stunning collection of brown hare images.
  • New Forest Wildlife by Keith Talbot
    Some excellent shots by amateur naturalist and photographer Keith Talbot. Keith’s collection includes some superb shots of deer; some of which will soon feature on the Deer page of this site. This site is well worth a visit.
  • Paul Sawford Photography
    Flickr website of nature photographer Paul Sawford. Paul has a superb collection of eclectic wildlife images captured from hotspots around the country. I recommend a look at Paul’s bird shots, particularly some brilliant Tawny owl images.
  • Pauline & Ian Wildlife Images
    A stunning collection of wildlife images by husband-and-wife naturalists Pauline and Ian Greenhalgh. The site is primarily concerned with British wildlife and contains breath-taking images of everything from our fungi to our birds of prey. Well worth a vis
  • Roger Powley Photography
    A superb collection of photographs from Isle of Wight photographer Roger Powley. The site showcases a selection of his eclectic interests in the great outdoors, from insects to sailing to Cornish tin mines.
  • Sams II & Jean Stoick Photography
    Spectacular photographs from award winning Michigan photographers Carl Sams & Jean Stoick. Whether your penchant is for mammals, birds or landscapes you’ll find something to make you say “Wow!”.
  • SJH Wildlife Photography
    A stunning collection of photos highlighting Steve’s interests in the natural world and aviation. Well worth a visit for some of those ‘I wish I could take photos like that’ moments!
  • Strathspey Wildlife
    Website of wildlife photographers Bill & Kevin Cuthbert. The site contains a fantastic range of stunning wildlife pictures from the wilds of Scotland’s Cairngorms.
  • Sue Marshall ~ Nature Seeker
    Website by Hampshire-based wildlife photographer Sue Marshall. A stunning collection of nature images, including a great many from the New Forest.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife Photography
    A blog article by Bob Books. Normally I don't include links that are commercial sites with a few articles thrown in to help generate traffic, but this article has some interesting and useful advice that will help many amateur photographers.
  • Tony McLean Photostream
    A collection of stunning wildlife and nature photos by Yorkshire-based photographer Tony McLean. Tony has a rare talent for capturing the natural world and I’m proud to have one of his prints on my wall.
  • Wight Life Photography
    Stunning shots of some of the Isle of Wight’s diverse wildlife by photographer Paul Blatchley. The site also contains some breath-taking scenic and sporting views; the site has something for everyone.
  • Wild Ocean Photography
    A commercial site showcasing some breath-taking marine photographs by marine biologist and SCUBA diver Rosanna Milligan.
  • Wildlife Pictures Online
    Some breath-takingly stunning wildlife photographs by South African nature photographer Skotch Macaskill.
  • Wolf Park
    Fascinating site dealing with the biology and conservation of America’s wolves. It contains some truly stunning photographs by Wolf Park staff photographer Monty Sloan.