Reeves’ muntjac deer

Latin name
Muntiacus reevesi

The Reeves' muntjac (sometimes spelt “muntjak” or “muntjack”) is also known as Chinese muntjac or, thanks to its dog-like alarm vocalisation, the “barking deer”. Since its first introduction to the woodlands of Bedfordshire by the Duke of Bedford in 1901, the muntjac has thrived in the British Isles to the point where it is widely viewed as an invasive pest species, prompting its inclusion on the EU's invasive species legislation. Regardless, this small deer rapidly adapts to urban environments and offers many people an opportunity to watch deer in their gardens that might otherwise be denied.

Recent genetic work has found no significant geographical structuring in British population (i.e., all British muntjac are very closely related), suggesting the current population stems from only four or five animals in a single introduction. The same study also found that some of the haplotypes only occurred to the east of Woburn, while others only to the west, further implying that animals were deliberately translocated from the founding colony.

That which follows is a brief summary of muntjac deer natural history and a more detailed profile is planned. Some aspects of deer natural history, such as antler biology and vocalisation stamina, have been split into their own QA both to avoid repetition and allow more detailed coverage of the topics. Additionally, a summary of the more general aspects of the biology, ecology, and behaviour of Britain's deer species can be found in the Deer Overview.

Reeves' muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) buck. - Credit: Marc Baldwin

The Reeves' muntjac deer at a glance

The species is named after the East India Tea Company's John Russell Reeves, who first imported the species to Britain in 1839; the single pair were deposited in London Zoo. Muntjac are a highly invasive species capable of colonising rapidly and remaining undetected until the population has become established. A pest species in woodland, where it can cause considerable damage to the understory and ground flora, muntjac are targeted by hunters throughout the year and covered by the recent EU directive on invasive species. The word “muntjac” appears to be of Dutch origin, derived by Indonesian settlers from the Sundanese mēncēk, meaning “small deer”.

Size: The smallest deer species found wild in the UK, with adults measuring 90 cm to 1.15 m (3.8 ft) long, with a tail of up to 10 cm (4 in.), and weighing in at 9 to 18 kg (20 - 40 lbs). Adults stand ca. 40 to 50 cm (1.5 ft) at shoulder. Males are stockier in appearance than females.

Colour: Uniform chestnut-to-sandy brown above although sometimes appearing much darker (almost black), buff/paler underside, and with darker markings on face. The tail is gingery in colour on the top and white underneath. The rump has a prominent white patch that's hidden by the tail and is only apparent in a state of alarm, when the deer flees with tail raised. Recently, there have been several reports from England of individuals displaying white “socks” (i.e., absence of colour on the legs, typically the hind legs, extending the length of the metatarsal). Several records of white (albino and leucistic) individuals exist from captivity, and there are very occasional reports of completely white individuals from the wild. In April 2014, for example, the Cervus-UK YouTube channel reported what appears to be a wild albino buck around a pheasant feeder in Oxfordshire, while an albino doe was photographed in Hampshire during December 2023. Generally, however, deviation from the standard colour phase is rare in Britain.

Distribution: Native to forests of south-east China and Taiwan, but a widely introduced/escaped species globally. The UK population originates from China and, while the date of introduction is uncertain, it's believed they were released into the countryside sometime during the early 20th Century. Indeed, the earliest releases in the Woburn Abbey archives is 11 animals liberated into woodland in Bedfordshire in 1901. The species is now common throughout much of England, with sporadic records from the south-west, far south-east, and northern England. Muntjac are patchily distributed (declining?) in Wales, but appear to be colonising Scotland and Northern Ireland. In 2008, the UK population was estimated conservatively at ca. 52,000, increasing about 8% per year. In 2018, the population estimated at ca. 128,000 and this is likely to be an underestimate.

Longevity: Several reports of captive deer reaching mid- to late teens, with the oldest I'm aware of being a female born in Washington Zoo in 1981 that died at Racine Zoo in 2003 at just over 23 years old. Verified records from the wild are rare, but it seems females at least can reach at least 13 years, although most probably don't survive more than 5 or 6 years.

Sexing: Males have simple (usually single spiked) backward-pointing antlers, which grow from prominent pedicles on the skull and reach 6 to 10 cm (2.5-4 in.) long. The male has tusks (enlarged upper canines) that grow to 6 cm and protrude below the upper lip. Females have small canines (ca. 1.7 cm) that are only visible on inspection of the mouth. The tusk erupts in males at around 3 months old and is complete by at about 2.5 yrs, while female canines don't erupt until ca. 1 yr. old. Males have a striking black V-shape on their foreheads, while females sport a black diamond shape pattern in the forehead fur. Males are bucks, females does, and young are fawns.

Antler Cycle: There is a well defined annual antler cycle mediated by testosterone, despite the species having no fixed breeding season (i.e., unlike other deer, antler casting is uncoupled from reproductive state). Casting occurs between May and June in England, with cleaning taking place from mid-August to mid-October, irrespective of when the deer was born. The annual antler cycle (shedding, growing, cleaning) is about 370 days, with the average antler growth being about 106 days.

Activity: Predominantly active at dawn and dusk, but in areas where disturbance from culling is low they may be active throughout day and night. Can become very tolerant of human presence.

Habitat: Predominantly a species of mixed or deciduous woodland with shrubby undergrowth for shelter and feeding. Muntjac are increasingly common in urban areas, where they inhabit parks, allotments, and larger gardens.

Territory: Maintain territory throughout the year, although ranges may overlap. There is no average size of the home range because it varies with habitat type and resource availability, and even bucks may become very tolerant of others in small areas in certain habitats or at certain times of the year. Published values in the literature for England range from less than 1 ha (2.5 acres) to 30 ha (74 acres), while one study from Taiwan reported 108 ha. Ranges can be very stable across seasons and years. Bucks typically range further than does.

Diet: Primarily leaves and shrubs such as bramble, ivy and hawthorn - grasses dominate the diet during spring and early summer. May strip bark, and are fruits taken according to season. They will take garden plants and vegetables. Sporadic reports of captive animals catching and eating small vertebrates (e.g., small birds), but the extent of this behaviour is unknown.

Reproduction: Breed all year round, although testes are less active during summer and most fawns are reported during early summer and early winter, suggesting much breeding occurs during May and December. A single fawn is born (twins exceptionally rare) after a 7 month gestation such that many females will often have two fawns per year. Fawns lose their spotted coat by around 8 wks. and are weaned by ca. 12 wks. old, although there may be intermittent suckling for sometime afterwards. Pedicles noticeable on male fawns by ca. 5 months old and both sexes mature at around 10 months old. Bucks don't produce a specific rutting call, although the increase in barking during the spring and winter might represent bucks advertising to females and rivals. Does in season may produce a “scream bark”, which is presumably intended to attract the attention of nearby bucks (click below to listen). There is no apparent pair bond, although some evidence bucks favour older does having produced multiple fawns. Males will mate with several females in their range, and does may also mate with several bucks, although polygamy seems less common than polyandry.

When in season does may call with a "scream bark" to advertise their status. - Credit: Kelly Kilfeather

Behaviour and Sociality: Animals typically live solitarily or in small family groups (buck, doe, and most recent fawn), although several of either sex may be found in a relatively small area without any apparent aggression. Males are often highly aggressive towards each other during the rut and will fight (using their antlers) for access to females. Both sexes emit a loud bark similar to a large dog when alarmed (click below to listen), and a clicking noise that is presumably made by grinding their teeth when alarmed or suspicious. Buck will often fray bark and saplings when marking their territory and cleaning velvet off their antlers. Fraying appear similar to those of Roe deer, but closer to ground.

When alarmed, Reeves' muntjac will bark at the source of the disturbance and this can continue for a considerable period. - Credit: Marc Baldwin

Threats: Most populations appear stable or increasing, although populations in mainland China appear to have declined significantly and this species is protected in Hong Kong. The species is common and increasingly widespread in Britain where it's hunted for sport, despite its small, simple antlers. It is also shot on site in many managed woodlands as a pest of forestry. Many are killed on roads, although the full extent is unknown. Sometimes come into conflict with private land owners because of the damage they can do to crops, flowers, and in ancient woodland (esp. the understorey). Foxes take fawns and in some areas they may account for as many as 50% of fawn deaths. Indeed, there's anecdotal evidence to suggest foxes may suppress muntjac populations under some circumstances.

Reeves’ muntjac deer in detail


Atlas of the Mammals of Great Britain & Northern Ireland - by Multiple Contributors
Pelagic Publishing -- 2020 -- ISBN: 978-1784272043

Britain’s Mammals 2018: The Mammal Society’s Guide to their Population & Conservation Status - by Multiple Contributors
The Mammal Society -- 2020 -- ISBN: 978-0993567339

Collins Field Guide: Mammals of Britain and Europe - by David MacDonald and Priscilla Barrett
HarperCollins Publishers -- 1993 -- ISBN: 978-0002197793

Deer - by Norma Chapman
Whittet Books -- 1991 -- ISBN: 978-1873580356

Deer - by John Fletcher
Reakton Books -- 2014 -- ISBN: 978-1780230887

Deer - by Raymond Chaplin
Blandford Press -- 1977 -- ISBN: 978-0713707960

Deer of Britain and Ireland: Their origins and distribution - by Peter Carne
Swan-Hill Press -- 2000 -- ISBN: 978-1840370911

Deer of the World: Their Evolution, Behavior, and Ecology - by Valerius Geist
Stackpole Books -- 1998 -- ISBN: 978-0811704960

Deer Watch: A Field Guide (Revised Edition) - by Richard Prior
Swan-Hill Press -- 2007 -- ISBN: 978-1846890130

Deer: Law & Liabilities (2nd Edition) - by Charlie Parkes; John Thornley
Quiller -- 2008 -- ISBN: 978-1846890475

Fauna Britannica - by Stefan Buczacki
Hamlyn Publishing -- 2002 -- ISBN: 978-0600598671

Gardens and Deer: A guide to damage limitation - by Charles Coles
Swan-Hill Press -- 1997 -- ISBN: 978-1853109652

Living with Deer - by Richard Prior
Andre Deusch -- 1965 -- ISBN: 978-0727401175

Mammals of the British Isles: Handbook, 4th Edition - by Stephen Harris and Derek Yalden (eds)
The Mammal Society -- 2008 -- ISBN: 978-0906282656
The natural history "bible" covering all British mammals with detailed coverage of their biology, behaviour, ecology and taxonomy written by experts in the field and referenced to the primary literature.

Muntjac and Water Deer: Natural History, Environmental Impact and Management - by Arnold Cooke
Pelagic Publishing -- 2019 -- ISBN: 978-1784271909

Nick Baker’s British Wildlife: A month by month guide - by Nick Baker
New Holland Publishers -- 2003 -- ISBN: 978-1845171131

The British Mammal Guide - by Steve Evans & Paul Wetton
Isabelline Films -- 2015 -- ISBN: N/A

The Deer of Great Britain & Ireland: An account of their history, status and distribution - by Peter Carne
G. Kenneth Whitehead -- 1964 -- ISBN: None

The Encyclopaedia of Mammals - by David MacDonald (ed.)
Brown Reference Group -- 2006 -- ISBN: 978-0199206087

The Natural History of Deer - by Rory Putman
Christopher Helm -- 1988 -- ISBN: 978-0801422836

The Naturalized Animals of Britain & Ireland - by Christopher Lever
New Holland Publishers Ltd. -- 2009 -- ISBN: 978-1847734549

The New Amateur Naturalist - by Nick Baker
HarperCollins Publishers -- 2004 -- ISBN: 978-0007157310

UK Mammals: Species Status & Population Trends - by The Tracking Mammals Partnership
JNCC/TMP -- 2005 -- ISBN: 978-1861075680

Urban Mammals: A Concise Guide - by David Wembridge
Whittet Books -- 2012 -- ISBN: 978-1873580851

Wild Animals of Britain & Europe - by Helga Hofmann
HarperCollins Publishers -- 1995 -- ISBN: 978-0007627271
